Some individuals dream, while others don’t, or at least don’t recall doing so.
But what do dreams mean? According to some scientists, dreams are just the product of neuronal processes occurring in our brains, despite the belief held by some that they are a type of communication from forces we cannot see or feel when we are awake.
Our brains are anything but when we’re asleep.
Dreams can sometimes reflect the day that has just ended, and other times they can symbolize our anxieties. However, what does it mean when we see a deceased person in our dreams?
These dreams may be interpreted as a phase of our personal lives or as a part of the grieving process. Healthline claims that it is related to the latter.
When we go through certain changes, like getting a new job, moving, or meeting someone new, we frequently have these dreams.
However, how the dream makes us feel is more significant than the dream itself.
Rubin Naiman, a psychologist with a Ph.D., has dedicated years of his life to researching sleep habits and patterns. “Dream interpretation is about decoding the dream,” he said. It provides an expansion of consciousness by enlightening us and psychologically increasing our awareness.
Dreaming about a deceased person may therefore be connected to the aforementioned changes and their impact on us.
Many modern neuroscientists think that the brain performs maintenance functions during REM sleep and unintentionally “kicks up dust” visually. Dreaming is therefore viewed as completely pointless. “The other end is that dreaming is more substantial than waking,” he clarifies. This is also evident in “dream cultures,” like the indigenous Australians, who consider dreaming to be an essential part of our spiritual lives.
These dreams fall into four categories according to experts.
First, it’s possible to interpret dreams about a deceased person as the brain attempting to process the grief of the loss.
We might feel guilty if we hadn’t made amends with the deceased before they passed away, and that could be why they come to us in our dreams.
Dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg says that if we see some of the deceased person’s behaviors in ourselves, like substance abuse or something else, we might be dreaming of them.
Some experts think that these dreams are a visit from the deceased, particularly if we see them in a good state in the dream—that is, well-dressed or appearing content. If the dream makes us feel good, it might indicate that the departed person is saying “Hello.”
Regardless of our feelings toward dreams, the reality is that they provide something profound and significant. They frequently provide us with understanding of the soul and our relationship to the departed person we see in our dreams.