Heartwarming Dog Stories That’ll Make You Smile

Sweet Dog Stories From the Pages of Our Canada

Guard Dog With a Heart

Heartwarming Dog Stories That’ll Make You Smile

Clipper was eight weeks old when he came to us. He had a happy life and was fully included in our active lives as we explored Canada from coast to coast, Clipper was a smart field dog and could always find his way even when we wondered where we were. Once in a while, we encountered bears in the bush, both black and grizzlies, mostly without incident, however he managed to keep us safe more than once. One summer, my wife and I were caretakers at a Cat-ski lodge high in the Monashee Mountains near Revelstoke, B.C. One night I had Clipper out near the lodge for his nightly ablutions. He scrambled on top of a big rock and was staring into the trees barking. I shone my bright flashlight into the darkness, and there were four pairs of eyes shining like diamonds, looking back at us. We backed away very slowly and got back to the lodge. In the morning we saw a mother grizzly with three small cubs scrounging for berries in the bushes nearby. Clipper had been looking out for us and keeping us safe. —James Roberts, Cochrane, Alberta

Embers of Love

We got our dog Ember, a Portuguese podengo pequeno, in March 2011. My husband is a firefighter, so that’s how we came up with Ember as her name. She is very cuddly, loves to sit on our laps, enjoys long walks at the cottage and also loves chasing chipmunks! She likes to “bury” her large chewing bone all around the house, in every corner and under the blanket in her bed, always moving it around so we can’t find it. —Carol Groeneveld, Tillsonburg, Ontario

If these dog stories have you considering adoption, our science-backed roundup of the benefits of pet ownership should seal the deal.

Heartwarming Dog Stories That’ll Make You Smile

Puppy Love

This is my eight-year-old daughter, Averie, and our new puppy Henry. This dog has added so much laughter to our lives! Words simply can’t describe how much he was needed—I’m left wondering why on earth we didn’t add him to our family sooner. Before we got him, Averie and I would daydream about what it would be like to have a puppy around and how our lives would change—now, we can’t imagine a day without him. —Sarah Almond, Kelowna, B.C.

Lifelong Pals

This is my grandson, Shad, and his dog, Cruz, enjoying the dog days of summer in beautiful British Columbia. This pic was taken by Shad’s dad, Ron, about ten years ago. As Cruz joined the family even before Shad did, they were lifelong friends. Shad’s mom, Cheryl, says that Cruz (who was a Golden Retriever-Golden Lab cross) was a pro at taking food from people’s hands without them realizing it! Notably, a steak on its way to the fire pit and a Nanaimo bar. He was also very kind to and protective of his humans. —Phyllis Pavan, Grand Forks, B.C.

Don’t miss this heartwarming tale of the very special bond between a young man and his dog.

Pug Love

When our son Nathan was eight, he had to have surgery, so we bought him a pug “stuffie” for comfort. He fell in love with the breed and for years wished that we could have a real pug. To motivate him in school, I promised him a pug if he were to graduate with honours. On the day of his high school commencement, he received his diploma and we learned that he had indeed made the honour roll and also received a scholarship award. His smile as he walked down the aisle towards us said it all, “I’m getting a pug!”

Nathan’s pug is named Bailey; she is full of energy and loves to run really fast with other dogs at the park—it’s not quite what we expected from a pug! She is a very loyal companion who follows us everywhere we go. I cannot imagine our lives without
her as she has brought us so much joy. —Jennifer Gadde, Orleans, Ontario

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