Can Berberine Help You Lose Weight? We asked a dietitian

Are you struggling to lose weight? Berberine, a natural compound found in several plants, may be the solution to your weight loss woes. Berberine has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties, but it has recently gained attention in the health and wellness space for its potential weight loss benefits. However, understanding how this supplement works and its potential impact on weight loss requires a closer look at the science behind it. That’s why we talked Melissa Mitri, RDMelissa Mitri, a registered dietitian with Nutrition, shares her expert wisdom to help us determine whether berberine can help you lose weight.

However, before you head to the supplement store, it’s important to note that, like any supplement, berberine’s effectiveness varies from person to person. Factors such as diet, lifestyle and pre-existing health conditions can significantly affect how berberine works in your body. So, before taking berberine (or any new supplement), consult your healthcare provider or registered dietitian to see if berberine is right for your weight loss journey.

That being said, let’s find out if berberine can help you shed those extra pounds, according to a registered dietitian.

What is Berberine?

barberry sprig

Berberine is a compound that occurs naturally in several plants, including barberry, goldenseal, and Oregon grape. It is often used for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and metabolic regulatory properties.

“Berberine has been used medicinally for centuries for its potential health-promoting properties, such as weight loss, heart health and blood sugar regulation,” Mitri explains. “However, many people take berberine supplements because plants containing the compound are not stocked in conventional grocery stores. These supplements are available in powder or pill form.”

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The Science Behind Berberine’s Health Benefits:

berberine supplement pills

In science, berberine activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme often referred to as the body’s “metabolic master switch.” According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), AMPK is required for energy balance and metabolism. By activating AMPK, studies show that berberine helps improve insulin sensitivity, reduce liver glucose production, and improve fat oxidation—three critical biomarkers for healthy weight management and metabolic health.

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Mitri adds, “Supplementation with berberine has increased in popularity due to its ability to aid in weight loss. It is even called ‘Nature’s Ozempic’ for its similar effects on blood sugar as the popular weight loss drug.”

One 12-week pilot study examined the effect of berberine supplementation on weight loss. On average, participants lost five pounds, losing about half a pound a week. However, Mitri says, “This small weight loss can be achieved through diet and exercise, so the results are not very impressive.”

Berberine has also been shown to increase brown fat, which is more metabolically active in the body than white fat (the most common type of fat) and burns more calories. However, most studies investigating the weight loss effects of berberine are small and in the preclinical and clinical trial stages.

“More well-designed, high-quality research studies, such as randomized controlled trials, are needed to confirm berberine’s effect on weight loss,” Mitri says.

While berberine may help you shed a few pounds, the compound is not a magic solution for additional weight loss. “Berberine should not replace a healthy, balanced diet and exercise routine,” advises Mitri. She adds, “Combining berberine supplementation with calorie deficit, physical activity, sleep, and stress reduction will increase your chances of weight loss.”

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Can berberine help you lose weight?

berberine powder and tablets

1. It can improve your metabolism.

Experts suggest that berberine can aid in weight loss by speeding up metabolic processes.

“Berberine helps activate an enzyme called AMPK, which supports a healthy metabolism by aiding in the energy balance equation of calories in versus calories out, which is a component of proper weight management,” explains Mitri. “For example, if your energy stores are low, AMPK will break down glucose and fats for energy, and when your stores return, it shuts down this process.”

2. Can improve insulin sensitivity.

Berberine can increase insulin sensitivity, which helps your body use glucose more efficiently. Better insulin sensitivity can lower blood sugar levels and help prevent fat accumulation. Berberine has also been shown to protect against diabetes, a significant risk factor for overweight and obesity.

“Berberine’s effect on lowering triglycerides (a type of circulating fat in the blood) and blood sugar levels may be partially responsible for its effect on weight loss,” Mitry says.

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3. It can support gut health.

According to a study published in boundaries, berberine may improve gut health by promoting the proliferation of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy, balanced gut microbiota can improve digestion, reduce inflammation and regulate appetite, all of which support healthy weight management.

4. It can suppress the appetite.

A 2020 study published in BioMed Research International Berberine was found to help reduce appetite and cravings by regulating hormones associated with hunger and satiety. Reduced appetite means less food intake, which can prevent overeating and help you achieve the calorie deficit needed to lose weight.

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