Cardiorespiratory fitness: A vital sign you can’t ignore

In today’s health conscious world, we are well aware of the importance of monitoring our blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These metrics provide critical insight into our overall health. But, there is another equally important marker that is largely underestimated: cardiorespiratory fitness or cardio fitness.

This measurement expressed as VO2 max is emerging as a powerful predictor of one’s health and lifespan. It’s time we start giving it the attention it deserves.

Underrated vital sign

It is standard practice for your doctor to measure your blood pressure, even if you are not showing any symptoms. why? Because blood pressure is a key indicator of your cardiovascular disease risk. Similarly, VO2 The max, which indicates your cardio fitness, is a very important sign. VO2 max is a key measure of how well your respiratory and circulatory systems are supplying your body with enough oxygen for exercise. Higher levels of cardio fitness are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Despite its importance, most of us are unaware of our cardio fitness levels and the profound impact they have on our health. Discovery Vitality’s recently announced White paper It revealed that members with higher cardio fitness levels had 30% fewer hospital claims, 95% lower prevalence of obesity, 84% lower high-risk blood glucose levels and 70% lower high-risk blood pressure.

This is why Discovery Vitality now encourages its members to know and improve their VO2 max: It is an essential risk predictor that complements other health metrics.

In the past, measuring VO2 Modern equipment and clinical settings required to maximum. However, advances in wearable technology have revolutionized access to your VO2 Maximum data. Today, many wearable fitness devices can estimate your VO2 At best with reasonable accuracy, this important metric is within the reach of the average person. This accessibility means that monitoring your cardio fitness is no longer a task reserved for elite athletes or medical study patients; It is something we all can do from the comfort of our homes.

Cardio fitness is important at all ages

Cardio fitness is important at every stage of life. Maintaining a moderate to high level of cardiovascular fitness can improve daily energy levels and improve cognitive function, contribute to a lower risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases, and a good level of cardio fitness means greater independence and ability to perform everyday activities. . Easily – especially for adults. Even a modest improvement in VO2 Maximum mortality risk can be reduced by 21-30%.

Consider this: A person with a good level of cardiovascular fitness can walk briskly, climb stairs, and manage household chores without feeling undue fatigue. In contrast, someone with a low cardio fitness level may find these simple tasks challenging and tiring. This simple change highlights that cardio fitness isn’t just a number on your device’s workout log; It has real-world implications for our quality of life. Improving your cardiovascular fitness can make daily activities more manageable and enjoyable, and reduce the strain on your body and mind.

Improving your cardio fitness

Improving your cardio fitness doesn’t require extreme lifestyle changes. Small, consistent changes can have significant benefits.

To improve your cardio fitness level from low to fair, start with basic aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling and/or swimming. Vitality’s Head Biokineticisit, Mari Leach, suggests gradually increasing your exercise duration and intensity over time to build a strong foundation, reduce the risk of injury and make exercise a more regular habit.

To improve your cardio fitness level from good to excellent, incorporate short high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions and longer moderate-intensity sessions into your exercise routine. For example, you can add a few sets of high-intensity intervals after your strength training sessions or after a 20-30 minute cardio workout for a well-rounded routine.

The recommendation is to progress gradually from one cardio fitness level to the next. The most significant health benefits are often seen when moving from low to fair levels of cardio fitness. With tools like Vitality fitness The platform is designed to offer our members a variety of exercise options wherever they are, where you can find personalized guidance and support to help you on this journey.

In a world where we have the resources to monitor and improve our health, there’s no reason not to take advantage of them. Get started today by learning about your cardio fitness.

Read Vitality’s latest White paper Browse Cardio Fitness for Optimal Health to learn more about this important health metric and its implications for your overall health. DM/ML

Author: Mosima Mabunda, Head of Wellness at Discovery Vitality


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