Sugar and Lemon Pancakes

Lemon cream recipe:
•100ml of pure lemon juice
• 3 eggs
•100g powdered sugar
•1 c.c de maïzena
•30g of butter
1/In a container, whisk eggs with sugar and corn.
2/ Pour the pure lemon juice together with the butter and then pour it all into a pan.
3/ While mixing, slightly thicken the cream over low heat.
4/ Reserve the cream in a plate to let it cool.
Recipe for pancakes: •6 eggs •400g flour •600ml milk •2c. Liquid vanilla c •1 rum cap (optional) •95g butter semi-salt melted •2c. s de flourette cream • 60g of cassonade
1/ Whisk eggs and sugar eagerly.
2/ Add vanilla, rum and florette cream.
3/ Pour the sifted flour, start mixing then pour the melted butter to loosen the dough.
4/ Then pour the milk, little by little, mix to obtain a homogeneous dough without lumps.
5/ Cook the crepes by pouring a layer of crepe batter over a very hot oiled crepe. Flip the pancake and let the other side cook.
6/ Fold the pancakes in half, spread the cream one to two tablespoons of cold lemon cream, then roll the pancakes.
And there you go! Treat yourself! 😋🥞🍋
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