The best 7-day treadmill workout plan for weight loss, designed by a personal trainer

It’s no secret that losing weight can feel like an uphill battle, but exercise, along with a healthy diet designed for weight loss, will propel you toward your goal—and help you feel stronger and more energetic in the process.

Treadmill exercise can be part of a weight loss routine and there is some research to back this up. A small published study found that overweight participants who performed moderate-intensity or high-intensity treadmill exercise for 12 weeks experienced weight loss, reduced body fat, and improved blood pressure.

Even if you’re new to treadmill exercise, this seven-day plan offers a structured workout routine that gets progressively more intense throughout the week to help you lose weight—and features high intensities to really improve your cardiorespiratory fitness. Grab your running shoes and read on to learn more.

How does treadmill exercise help with weight loss?

Treadmills are a staple of any fitness center, and for good reason: They can be one of the best tools in the gym for reaching weight loss goals. One small study found that exercising on a treadmill was superior for burning fat and improving cardiometabolic health compared to using the elliptical or rowing machines. Additionally, research has also shown that treadmill running is just as effective as outdoor running in aiding fat loss.

“Treadmill exercise supports healthy, sustainable weight loss in a number of ways,” explains Mike Masi, CPT, a certified personal trainer at Garage Gym Reviews. “First, they’re an efficient way to burn calories, which is essential for weight loss.” In addition, treadmill exercise increases your heart rate and breathing rate, which puts good stress on the body that improves your fitness.

Treadmills are also very versatile. You can adjust the speed and incline to increase the intensity, allowing you to choose between walking, jogging, running or interval training. This variety will help you avoid boredom with your workouts and keep you motivated.

Finally, your body feels better hoofing on one of these machines. “Treadmills offer a softer surface than outdoor pavement, reducing the impact on the joints and making it a suitable option for people with joint problems,” says Massey.

7-Day Treadmill Workout for Weight Loss

This seven-day plan can be modified to suit your fitness level. “You can do this exercise by running, walking or jogging and taking as many breaks as needed,” explains Massey. If you plan to run, you should have a running base before you start, as this plan involves high-intensity sprints and intervals. (To modify this for walking, adjust your pace to brisk walking over sprinting.) Want to start with a plan designed specifically for walking? Go for the best 7 day walking plan for weight loss, designed by certified trainers.

Day 1: 1-mile sprint

Total training time: 20 minutes

Start with a 5-minute brisk walk to warm up. Then, run (or walk) 1 mile as fast as possible. (The warm-up distance does not count toward your mileage.) Even if you push yourself to a fast pace, make sure you’re going at a pace that’s safe for you. “Record your average speed and the time it took to complete it,” Massey says. You’ll use this mileage to pace yourself on other runs this week. After you’re done, cool down with a 5-minute slow walk.

Day 2: Interval training

Total training time: 25 minutes

Start with a 5-minute brisk walk to warm up. “This workout involves 2 minutes of brisk walking at a high intensity—choose a pace that’s slightly faster than your normal pace on day one—and 1 minute of slow walking to get the heart rate back up,” Massey says. “Repeat this interval 5 times with 15 minutes of intense exercise.” Cool down with a 5-minute slow walk.

Day 3: Circuit training

Total workout time: less than 30 minutes

Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. “The main workout starts with 2 minutes of fast, high intensity—a little faster than your pace on day one,” Massey says. “After this, get off the treadmill and do the following bodyweight exercises, if possible: 20 squats, a 20-second plank, 20 step-back lunges, then another 20-second plank,” he says. Step back onto the treadmill and repeat the circuit a total of 4 times. Finish with a 5-minute slow walk to cool down.

Day 4: 400m sprint

Total training time: 20 to 30 minutes

Walk briskly for 5 minutes to warm up. “For Day 4, run 400 meters (about ¼ mile) at a high intensity, choosing a slightly faster pace than your first day’s normal pace, followed by a 1-minute slow walk to recover. Repeat this sequence for 6 to 8 rounds,” advises Massey. Cool down with a 5-minute slow walk.

Day 5: Low-intensity steady state

Total training time: 50 minutes

This is your longest treadmill workout of the week: 45 minutes of brisk walking at a moderate pace. “This low-intensity steady-state workout is designed to promote endurance and fat burning,” says Massey. Finish with 5 minutes of slow walking.

Day 6: 800m sprint

Total training time: 20 to 25 minutes

Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Massey says, “Today we’ll increase the intensity, running 800 meters (about half a mile) faster than your normal pace on the first day, followed by a 1-minute slow walk to recover. Repeat this sequence 3 to 4 times. Finish with a 5-minute slow walk to cool down.

Day 7: 12-3-30 Exercise

Total training time: 40 minutes

For the final day, start with a 5-minute brisk walk to warm up. Then, get ready to add the bias. “Set the treadmill to an incline of 12 and a speed of 3.0 miles per hour, and walk for 30 minutes,” Massey explains. Feel free to adjust the bias if needed. It is okay to start with a low setting and gradually increase. Lower the incline back to zero and cool down with 5 minutes of slow walking.

The bottom line

Incorporating our seven-day treadmill workout plan into your routine can help support healthy weight management, increase your fitness levels, and boost your overall health and well-being. However, if you have pre-existing health conditions or problems, talk to your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine.

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