The best ready-made protein drinks that taste great and supplement your diet

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The importance of a balanced diet and proper nutrition is emphasized right from our primary school days.

Cast your mind back to the food pyramid and you’ll remember carbohydrates dominating the lower part of the triangular design. It was explained that when you work out, you should consume equal servings of vegetables and fruits, milk and protein.

But this changes when you start incorporating more daily activities. Regular exercise requires the addition of protein to repair and grow muscles. This is why protein bars line the reception desks of gyms around the world.

The main and named ingredient of these snacks is inextricably linked to performance maximization and contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscle mass. But getting the required levels is not always easy.

According to the British Health Foundation, “most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kg of body weight per day (this is 45g for the average woman or 55g for men)”. But this increases to 1.2-2 for athletes depending on your choice of movement. g/kg body weight.

A protein-rich diet is the optimal way to increase your intake, but is not always sufficient to achieve this. Vilasini Bhaskaran, M.Sc. M.Phil (Advanced Dietetics), Dietitian, First Associate of Primary Care Dietitians, explains “Protein is marketed to help with muscle growth, weight loss, increase energy and improve physical performance. They are available in powders, shakes, Available as bars and capsules, they are often seen as an easy way to increase protein intake.

Protein powders are very popular because they give you more control over the mix and you can throw in superfoods that have their own nutritional benefits. These tend to be quite expensive at boutique studios or require a blender, which isn’t always possible or convenient post-workout. That’s where pre-made shakes come in.

Are protein drinks good for you?

“Some protein drinks can be a useful way to increase your protein intake and support your nutrition on the go,” says Jenna Hope, a nutritionist who works with BOL Foods. “However, the ingredients and quality of drinks are very important in determining their benefits to your health. Many protein drinks are full of artificial ingredients and artificial sweeteners. Whenever possible, try to choose protein drinks that are packed with whole foods that don’t contain artificial sweeteners or bulking agents.

Bhaskaran adds, “It’s important to remember that protein drinks are not a magic solution for weight loss, as they contain calories and consuming too much of them can lead to weight gain. Protein drinks may also contain sugar, which is not always clearly labeled. Consuming protein shakes without regard to calorie and sugar content can lead to weight gain and high blood sugar in people with or at risk of diabetes.

She adds, “The long-term effect of regularly consuming large amounts of protein drinks in your daily diet is still undetermined and largely unexplored.” Before emphasizing that “protein drinks are not for everyone. Before consuming protein drinks, consult a nutritionist who can provide accurate information and assess suitability based on existing health conditions.

When to drink protein shakes?

Consuming extra protein after prolonged exercise (90 minutes) is beneficial as it helps speed up muscle repair and replenish glycogen, allowing for faster recovery”, reveals Bhaskaran. “The decisive factors are the consumption of protein at the right time and in the right amount in combination with carbohydrates”.

She says, “Recovery drinks are most effective during the 30-60 minute post-exercise ‘anabolic window,’ for recovery through muscle growth and nutrition. Aim for a ratio of 3 to 1 and 4 to 1 to replenish glycogen stores and have more carbs than protein. If you only focus on eating high protein without enough carbs, the protein will be used for energy instead of being used to build muscle!

Most importantly, the nutritionist emphasizes, “Research shows that consuming 15-25 grams of protein in a post-workout meal or snack can promote glycogen storage, reduce muscle soreness, and promote muscle repair. This can be done anytime within 24 hours after exercise, but the longer you wait the less the benefits.

Excessive protein consumption is not utilized by the body and can lead to various health complications such as weight gain, kidney damage, heart disease, increased risk of cancer, diarrhea, constipation, bad breath and dehydration.

Will protein drinks make you gain weight?

Nutritionist Jenna Hope says weight gain is “the result of many factors, such as stress, poor sleep, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalances and consuming more energy than necessary.” Bhaskaran says eating too much protein can make you gain weight. “Excess protein consumed is usually stored as fat, while excess amino acids (the building blocks of protein) are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. This can lead to weight gain over time, especially if you’re consuming a calorie surplus to supplement your protein intake.

Does drinking protein help you lose weight?

Both experts agree that protein helps you feel fuller and curbs cravings between meals. But they both say it with caution. “You can lose the benefits of whole foods and other nutrients by relying too much on them,” explains Bhaskaran. “Additionally, consuming more protein with regular meals and losing weight without exercise can be difficult.”

A nutritionist emphasizes, “The key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume”.

Should you drink protein shakes on non-workout days?

“There’s no need to drink a protein shake on rest days because you can get enough protein and essential nutrients from whole food sources. “Instead, focus on maintaining a balanced diet,” recommends Bhaskaran, or you risk becoming deficient in other key nutrients. “Protein drinks can be a convenient option for people. Whether you’re training or resting, aim to meet your recommended daily protein intake,” she concludes.

Shop the best pre-made protein shakes below

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